Cube Globe

Cube Globe

AND HERE IT IS! The last cube globe.  It is the end of an era!  I started this by painting the whole world in black and white BEFORE THE INTERNET, (hello, world atlas with a few missing pages and several trips to a copy machine). I then scaled it down and photo etched the whole world onto silver sheet. Fabricated it with old-school methods-(meaning: scored, filed, folded, and soldered) made the flat sterling sheet into a cube, and then finished it with exacting precision. Just for the record: I AM NOT A FLAT-EARTHER, and am not sure if I want to encourage those who are. It WAS fun to choose where the corners would be IF the world was not round...which we have definite, irrefutable proof that it is a sphere, spinning in space at 1,000 miles an hour. But I digress! (again). This is 3/4" square,  put on a 30" long darkened silver chain.